Monday, September 30, 2019

Body and gender representation Essay

The general public is also the intended audience for this movie. Here, woman is represented as a jobless, single mother, a situation that many women in society find themselves in. Out of desperation, Brokovich presses her lawyer to give her a job in his firm and was given a clerical position. However, she was not treated with seriousness because she did not conform to the dress and manners required of an office employee. In the course of her work, she came across information about a company depositing toxic chemicals that polluted the local water supply. She takes an active role in building a case against the company. Gender representation is consistent with cultural norms in that women are mothers whose role is to nurture their children. However, the strength, assertiveness, intelligence, efforts to control and direct life and active involvement in social issues portrayed by Brokovich departs from cultural norms which dictate that women be passive, dependent or should focus their time on domestic affairs. This female representation is very positive. Les Miserables (1998) An adaptation of the French classic novel, the movie is again for general patronage. In line with the novel, the film portrays an ex-convict Jean Valjean who commits crime but soon establishes a new life under a new identity. He builds a business employing the poor and disadvantaged and upon the dying wishes of a prostitute whom he defended from unjust imprisonment and whom he took care of while sick, raises her daughter as his own. He does everything to ensure her safety, education, home, social standing and financial security. Gender representation in this film is positive. Male representation moves away from the cultural norm of detached and not domestically inclined father. Here, Valjean takes on the nurturing role, selfless with a strong stance against the oppression of both women and men. However, this was not carried out in the traditional manner of knight in shining armor or as a male holding a position of power but rather as a struggling person helping his fellow poor. The representation of women was through Fantine, an unwed mother whom poverty forced into prostitution and her daughter who was enslaved and abused by the family to whom she was initially entrusted. The woman in this family was particularly cruel. This portrayal of women as traditionally helpless, discriminated and taken advantage of but who can also take on the role of oppressor provides a realistic view of the variety of roles that women take on in society. Pictures 1. This photo in a magazine’s swim suit edition portrays femininity in terms of physical beauty. This is defined as flawless hair, clear skin with an excellent tone, slimness and curves. This representation is consistent with society and male’s standard of femininity and beauty to which a woman’s worth may be judged. Because women’s bodies are different and the average woman does not look like her at all, its impact on women is negative. It leads them to become dissatisfied with their bodies which results in a poor body image and low self-esteem. It also reinforces women’s gender roles of preoccupation with beauty. In regarding themselves as defective and in cultivating the desire to attain the model’s looks and body, women will spend much time, effort and money. The target audience of the magazine includes teen-agers and young women who are potential buyers of the product being advertised. 2. The strong, muscular and aggressive stance of the male in this photo, which appeared in a magazine for women, represents current cultural norms regarding masculinity which encompasses male gender roles of taking the active part, dominant, capable and powerful. It reflects traditional views that men cannot be soft, weak, puny or vulnerable. Men are affected negatively by this representation because it also establishes a standard that they have to conform to. It establishes that these physical characteristics are what women would find appealing but like women, men are also different. Hence, those men who do not possess the physical attributes portrayed by this model will feel insecure and would also attempt to build their physique and the matching attitude. 3. The intended audience for this picture is also women. Aside from portraying femininity in terms of beauty, femininity is also represented as youth and sensuality. The dress, the body parts revealed and position of the model are both sexy and seductive. It reflects the traditional view of women as sex objects and their role as a source of male sexual fantasy and satisfaction. Similarly, this representation is negative because it implies that in order to be desired by men, women have to have the proper physical attributes of breasts, legs and buttocks such as portrayed. It impacts most especially on the self-esteem of older women since age diminishes the physical characteristics perceived as desirable. Wrinkles, age spots and decreasing muscle tone, which occur within the normal course of an older woman’s life, are now regarded as their adversary.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Physical Education: Synoptics : David Beckham Essay

David Beckham has been playing football since a very early age. He now plays for Manchester United at an elite level and captains England. He trains and competes very regularly. 1.AGGRESSION Several aspects of football have progressed vastly in the last decade. Many of which are relevant to the increasing position of aggression in football today. This means that aggression is very much a part of David’s sport, and an aspect that he must understand. Governing bodies and referees are now much more open and understanding about aggression in football as they have realised the increasing influence that it has in the game. The rules reflect this, as retaliation (an aggressive act) is now an automatic ‘sending off’ offence. This also applies to raising of the hands and any intent to harm. Rivalry between teams is also an issue. When playing a local rival obtaining points is not the players’ only motive for success. The two teams aim to win as simply defeating the opposition matters more than obtaining points. However this may lead to aggressive behaviour as the player feels that the stakes are higher (pride). It is also possible and supported through theory that in games in which he feels he is under-achieving he finds himself being cautioned. This may be due to the theory that states the athletes’ ability is inadequate compared to the task they are given. This then causes them to act in an aggressive rather than assertive manner.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Deadly Unna Essay

Deadly Unna by Phillip Gwyn is a story about the friendship between two boys set up in a small country town in the 1980’s South Australia. Gary Black (or Blacky) is the protagonist, a fifteen year old boy with many siblings, who develops and matures. He becomes highly aware of racism in the small country town against aboriginal people, as well as many other issues through out the course of the novel. Through out the story he meets a girl named Cathy that he gets smitten by, he looses his friend Dumby because he died in a shoot out down by the bar, so he drastically matures as the novel progress. Some of the other significant themes dealt with by Deadly Unna are the issues related to life in a small country town and the idea of loss of childhood innocence. Let’s begin when Blacky’s ALF team gets trophies for a specific category e. g. : scored most goals ECT. Dumby was the ‘best man on field’ so he obviously deserved and earned the ‘Best Man on Field’ Trophy. But instead the trophy was awarded to Mark-Arks. Remember when Dumby tried to mug Macca’s bar, he died because he shoot him with a shotgun and the police didn’t even try to solve the case. Basically nobody cared just because Dumby was just another Aborigines kid. Speaking of Maccas’s bar, all the gonyas sits in the front of the bar. But the Nungas is in the back. Except for one person called Tommy who always says Chug-A-Lug. But he’s only there because he is always drunk and it’s funny for the Gonyas. When the Slogs wrote BOONGS PISS OFF. This really affected Blacky because he became so aware of racism ever since Dumby’s death. Blacky’s loss of childhood innocence begun when Dumby died, one of his best friends that he has ever had just disappeared and now his childhood has basically vanished because everything he knew as a child is now gone. When Gary wanted to grab some paint and a brush his dad busted him and told Blacky to put the brush and the paint down. But Gary has matured because he as gone through so much that he has lost his childhood. All the Sad stuff that has been going on in his life made him realise that he is not a little kid anymore, especially when Darcy said ‘I dare say they should Blacky, I dare say they should†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ He now sees what racism people have against the Aboriginal population, and now his childhood has passed away. Another example is when Gary gets smitten by Cathy, this is a prime example that he has now matured and moved on to his teenage life.

Friday, September 27, 2019

An Education Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

An Education Film - Essay Example The film explicitly captures all these aspects in an intelligent manner. The man in the film is seen as to be a man who knows what he wants in his life and he has it all figured out. In his life, the con man has a wife but is still willing to seduce and charm the young girl. The man goes into hiding when Jenny confronts him of having a wife since he is not willing to leave his family for Jenny. The woman on the other is seen as having to depend on somebody for advice on what choices to make, and she is willing to do anything told to them by other people. Women especially the young are viewed as naive and incapable of making their decisions. The girl in the movie is seen as very indecisive. Jenny is emotionally manipulated and confused by a man whom she knows is way older than her, but she still falls for his charms. Jenny ends up leaving school due to the advice of the man with the promise of marriage, but it all ends badly for her. The older woman in the film like her teacher who gets Jennys life into the track is more decisive and acts as an excellent g uide to Jenny. whose imagination? Projection? Sponsored? Targeted audience? Did whats desired effect? Truth? Ethical code? Belief system? If you can find interviews with director, writer, actors, please do. You may read what other critics had to say and include it. The film is based on Granta magazine the was written by Lynn Barber and adapted by Novelist Nick Hornby. The film is best suited for the young girl-child in the society who are coming of age and are still naive. The film gives a resounding advice to all people in terms of what paths to take and what decision to make in life. The consequences realized by both Jenny and David are a worthy lesson for anyone in the modern society. The film tries to instill an approach of independence and good personal decision making into the society.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

English teacher training in Sausi Arabia in light of the challenges of Research Proposal

English teacher training in Sausi Arabia in light of the challenges of reality and taking into account the requirements of the labor market - Research Proposal Example This may be caused by some of the reasons such as poor teach training, in-sufficient language learning settings, students’ immoderate attitudes, inappropriate materials or an amalgamation of all of the above mentioned causes (Al-Mohanna, 2008). Additionally, the educational system prevails over the use of the Arabic language, which is widely talked and understood throughout the academic world. Although this do not contribute the problems as much as the other factors, yet the English language finds a very less active response from the teachers involved in teaching English language. English as Foreign Language (EFL) teachers have found the presence of sufficiently unqualified teachers in the Gulf region (Syed, 2003, p.337) and EFL teacher preparation programs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can be understood as inadequate and nonsystematic (Al-Hazmi, 2003, p.341). Within the last four decades, graduates from the faculties of arts and graduates of college and education affiliated with the Saudi universities have been enabled to provide the services for EFL teachers in the country (Al-Hazmi, 2003, p.341). These teachers are trained and are provided with the bachelor’s degrees and associate’s degrees in the literature and in the English language. Additionally, colleges of education serve the students by educating them in the educational aspects; on the other hand, colleges of arts enable students to become English-Arabic translation specialists or English specialist, which may not be necessarily to enthrone them on the required level of English teache rs. Furthermore, both colleges of arts and EFL graduates of colleges of education are required to undergo a 4-year program; in which they are polished by offering courses in English literature, English language skills, applied linguistics, translation and linguistics. In

Video reponse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Video reponse - Essay Example An example is the meaning of the Apocalypse. I always thought that the Apocalypse referred to the end of times. However, as it emerged from the video, the term actually refers to the end of evil. A surprising and interesting piece of information is the autonomy that the Jewish community held. This is in reference to the communities at Antioch and Alexandria (PBS 38:45). Finally, I was also perplexed to learn of Caligula, the Roman emperor who wished to set up his statue in the temple at Jerusalem. I really enjoyed the videos due to the graphics and the directing. The scenes portraying the historical lifestyle and nature of the Jews seemed very real and very convincing. It was almost as if they were recordings rather than reenactments. The narration was also very informative in understanding the video itself. I would like to know more about the years between when Jesus attended the Passover feast at 12 years of age and the age of 30 when he began his ministry. I would also like to understand how Rome became the epicenter of Christianity. In particular, it would be interesting to understand exactly how the situation turned

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Overpopulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Overpopulation - Essay Example The pieces of evidence presented by census findings, instead of theories of demography, furnish the inevitable core of this idea. These are all according to the proponents of population reduction. During the time of Jesus, the population of the world may have been around 300 million people, densely packed mainly in China, India, and the Mediterranean region (Fagley 1960, 15). After analyzing different approximations, the Secretariat of the United Nations Population Division, proposes â€Å"that the world’s population was likely to have been between 200 and 300 million at the beginning of the Christian era† (Fagley 1960, 15). At some point between1930 and 1960, the growth in the population of the world will be roughly 1 billion, or approximately three times the overall population during the age of the New Testament (Green 2008). Furthermore, this population growth may be twice as huge as the world’s total population during the Reformation. This phenomenon is calle d ‘population explosion’ (Fagley 1960, 15-16). With the current rate of population growth, it can be estimated that in six centuries the number of people on the planet will be such that there will be just a square meter for each individual to inhabit (Jakab 2008). However, this would be impossible since something will take place to stop it. As an arithmetical practice, the picture of the imagined population explosion can certainly be furthered (Gilland 2008). In an April 1958 hypothetical article John L. Russell, S.J. theorized that, supposing a population that grows twofold every century, a growth rate significantly below the current rate, the current population of the world would have stemmed from an Adam and Eve existent roughly in 1000 B.C. (Hollingsworth 1996). A vivid illustration of this theory is presented in the following passage (Fagley 1960): One thousand years hence, at the same rate, there would be two million million people†¦ In 2,500 years from now, the population would be so densely packed that there would be one man on every square yard of the earth’s surface, including the sea. In 5,000 years the weight of human beings would be equal to the total weight of the earth, and in 14,000 years to the estimated total weight of the universe (ibid, p. 18). Apparently, such practices are only useful in illustrating that the current population growth rate cannot continue, and that the issue of overpopulation cannot be mitigated unless the growth rate itself is substantially altered. The major issue at this point is the importance of the short-range forecasts demonstrating the possibility that the human population will double in the very near future. This is certainly not an exploratory or hypothetical practice. This is the reasonable and valid repercussion of the established truth. This is an extension of a population explosion already in full swing. Is there really a problem of overpopulation? What should the governments do abou t this so-called threat of overpopulation? Should population growth be aggressively controlled by the enforcement of laws and taxes? The next section will review and discuss the arguments for and against the implementation of population growth control measures by the government. Overpopulation should be stopped: True or False? Different assertions have been made for endorsing population control mechanisms. They run the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Love Canal The New YorkToxic Wasteland Term Paper

Love Canal The New YorkToxic Wasteland - Term Paper Example Love Canal and associated citizen action is a milestone in American history, it was the extensively publicized citizen action that proved to be the starting point of activism against people exposition to toxic and hazardous chemical wastes. It also drifted federal policy to provide Superfund for cleaning Love Canal and other hazardous waste sites (Brown and Clapp, 2002, p.95).According to Center for Health, Environment and Justice, history of Love Canal takes us back into 1892, when William T. Love put forth a proposal of connecting upper and lower Niagara River by a canal for generating cheap power. However, due to economic pressures, the project was abandoned and land was auctioned and until 1953, it is used chemical disposal site. Hooker Chemical Corporation that was a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum in addition to City of Niagara and United States Army used this site for dumping chemical to warfare materials. In 1953, Hooker sold this site to education board after covering the area with dirt and clay. In this way, the site became in direct use of unaware citizens and most importantly school kids who never imagined about living on 20,000 tons of toxic waste materials. Despite of citizen complaints of odors and health issues, no considerable action was taken until a female citizen and mother of two kids, Lois Gibbs took stand and rest is the history. This paper identifies the lessons learned in the whole journey of Love Canal, the hazardous waste site in New York (Love Canal, n.d.p.1). Love Canal became the typical example of hazardous waste and Superfund program. Surprisingly, it was not the top-ranked Superfund site of New York in 1983 when National Priority List was formulated. Even it was not the major dumping site of Hooker Chemicals. Hooker dumped their major wastes at three sites in Niagara County; 102nd Street Dump, Hyde Park in north and in S-area that was next to city’s water treatment plant. Love Canal has got edge over all these

Monday, September 23, 2019

Creative communication in international business read the requirement Essay

Creative communication in international business read the requirement i send you carefully - Essay Example Additionally, the participants were trained on public relations, marketing, advertising and journalism. Based on the diversity that exists in the international business environment, it is crucial that business owners acquire relevant international public relation skills. Thus instructors and the organizers of the workshop engaged experts in international relations to educate the participants on how to create a strong relationship with other business operators in other countries (Barnlund, 2008). After the workshop, the participants were given ample opportunity to ask question and hold team discussions on the various issues that were covered. Through providing the participants feedback, the organizers were in a position to evaluate the effectiveness of their communication strategies. This paper seeks to discuss the implications of knowledge I obtained after the workshop as well as their usefulness on managers working in multinational enterprises. One of the major skills that I obtaine d after the workshop is on how to improve communication especially when dealing with the public relations issue. Most importantly, the workshop provided me with three techniques of developing good communication. The first one was understanding the basics of communication skills. ... Some of the notable ways of engaging the audience includes using gestures, making eyes contact, adopting effective listening skills and avoiding mixed messages. Thirdly, the workshop enhanced my skills of using my own words. This includes avoiding mumbling, proper pronunciation of words and using right words. On their studies on effective communication Lawrence and Jeanne (2012) indicates that in the contemporary world, managers who have taken their enterprises to the global position must posses adequate skills based on the diversity of their customers. Similarly, they should have extensive language training for example to know the Chinese language in order to make it possible to undertake marketing strategies in the China market. The workshop provided me with the skills on linking communication creativity and business strategies. Through the use of a strategy ladder as the key tool, I am now in a position to come up with a creative communication that exhibits effective consideration of my business objectives (Gomez et al, 2008). The strategy ladder includes coming up with business objectives, communication goals, important messages, creative content and measurement. For a manager who is focused at creating strong public relations, he or she should come up with a business objective that the communication will help to achieve. Secondly, the manager should identify the goal of the communication. This entails what he or she want to achieve, how to motivate the audience, how to engage the listeners and how to entertain the audience. Thirdly, managers must ensure that the messages sent to the listeners must be clear in order to make the audience

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Of Mice and Me Essay Example for Free

Of Mice and Me Essay Of mice and men is a Film about life in a ranch, well done, with a low budget but with a lot of creativity. The directors are Gary Since and Horton Foot, Since plays an important part in the film as George. The other main actors are John Malcovich as Lenny and Sherlin Flynn as Curleys wife. Very good actors and know how to interpret each characters. Curleys wife has a very low profile in comparison with the book. Well the film starts when they escape from weed because they think Lenny raped a girl. They go to a ranch to work. There is a guy named Curly who hates big guys like Lenny, he has a wife who likes to flirt with men at the ranch. Curly has a fight with Lenny and Lenny breaks Curleys hand. They say he caught it in a machine. Gorge and Lenny tell Candy about their dream and they decide to do it together. Lenny is playing with a pup and he realizes its dead, suddenly Curleys wife gets in they start talking and she says to him to touch her hare. He dose it so hard she starts to scream and Lenny gets nervous and he ends up killing her. He runs away. Candy tells the guys and they go and look for Lenny. Gorge arrives first and while he is telling him their dream he kills him. The part of Lenny its grate. The actor was perfectly chosen in the physical part and its interpretation as Lenny its just like I imagined in the book. The part of George was good but not perfect. In the book talks a lot and has a very tight relationship with slim and he treats Lenny very badly in the film he is more quiet and more gentile with Lenny. I personally did not like Curleys wife. In the book they describe her like a tart. She likes to where fancy dresses and feathers. In the film she is more reserved and less flirty. The music and lights play a major part in the film. For example the sins in the bunk house are always dark, with very little light in the middle of the bunk house. A very good example of music its when George is running to the pool at the ending they put nervous music because George its nervous, that makes a big effect in the audience. The novel is a protest novel with deep content but in the feel this is not so clear. The film could represent these themes in a better way if Curleys wife was more of a tart or if crooks part was the same as in the book, longer and expressing more resentment feelings. I would recommend this film only for people who read the book because it helps to understand many aspects but for people who did not red it could be very slow and boring. This film its good only as a complement of the book. Its good to rescue the actuation of John Malcovich who did a brilliant part and the good music and light effects.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Review and Comparison of Different Software Quality Models

Review and Comparison of Different Software Quality Models Muhammad Qasim Riaz1 and Zeeshan Asif2 1,2Department of Computer Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan Abstract Software quality models are one of the best means for the support of software quality management system. Since more than 30 years, several quality models have been offered and used with fluctuating mark of success. To be particular, with the idea of defining the multidimensional content of software quality management system a variety of qualitative models have been presented by which different aspects of this topic have been tried to be investigated properly. By investigating the trends and evolution of software quality models and identifying differences in the approaches and judgment outcomes, the results indicate significant progress in the development of software quality models. Many definitions and models of software quality are studied and a competitive conclusion is drawn. It carries on with a review of the quality models and comparison between them. Introduction The main aspects of the quality at which every software engineer should focus himself are reviewed and compared [4] in this paper. Now a days, in modern age of technology large firms and companies spend millions and billions of dollars at the IT projects to get precise and efficient software services. Our first point is, what is meant by quality [1] in software products. What should we do to a software product to decide it as a quality product, simply a good product or name it as a failed product. Many papers have been published about the causes of project failure e.g. [8]. Several models and many success factors are presented for effective and precise management of projects to make up the quality of products [5]. This paper is taking a review by examining factors and points discussed in different models like Boehm, McCall and many others[9][8]. We also illustrates their impact on quality of the software product. Secondly, many models are presented by different researchers, organizations and scientists. Most of the scientists followed the basic models of software quality presented by the McCall, Boehm, and FURPS. On the basis of these models IEEE and ISO presented new models and also did many additions like ISO 9126. This paper emphasizes all these models of quality factors and explains a comparison between them. How to measure the quality of software and which scales are defined to measure it, are also mentioned in the paper. At the end, effect of quality at the cost and demand of software will also be discussed. We have reviewed and compared the following software quality models in this paper: McCalls software Quality Model Boehms software Quality Model FURPS software Quality Model IEEE software Quality Model ISO 9126 software Quality Model A quality model is mostly stated as a set of characteristics like document clarity, design trace-ability, integrity, program reliability, test integrity and relationships among them which truly provide the foundation for identifying the requirements of quality and calculating quality. It can be identified as defined set of properties that are required for a product to meet stated purposes. The advantage of quality model is determined by the decomposition of main objects like product, process or organization in the list of its properties and characteristics. It is applicable for forecasting, guaranteeing and authenticating the accomplishment of a well-defined goal. Quality Defined As the quality of any object/thing in universe can be defined as: The measure of standard of any object/thing against the other objects/things of same kind is known as the quality of that object/thing. OR It can also be defined as the degree of superiority or inferiority of something as compare to the other things of same type. For example the quality of a computer depends on the speed of the computer, reliability of the computer, consistency of the computer and many other factors like that. Similarly, the dictionary definitions of quality in computing largely concentrated on excellence and improvement in product International Standards(IS) professionals should focus. Quality according to ANSI Standard can be define as Quality is the sum of characteristics and features of a software product or a service that bears on its capacity to fulfill the given needs Quality according to IEEE Standard (IEEE Std. 729-1983) All the characteristics and features of a software product which stand on its capacity to fulfill the particular requirements [6]: for example, follow to conditions. The grade to which software keeps a wanted mixture of features. The mark at which a consumer observes that software meets his mutual outlooks. The multiple characteristics of software that define the unit according to which the software product in use will meet the hopes of the customer. General Kinds of the Models Now a days, most of the quality models are hierarchical models which are based on the basic principles of the quality and related metrics [7]. All of these models are classified on the basis of the means and ways according to which they have been generated. These are categorized into the following three types. The assumed model is based on the hypothesis relationships among variables used. The model based on data-driven by a statistical analysis of related matrix in model. This model is the mutual effect of hunches which are used to determine the simple type of the model and secondly the Data analysis used to formulate the constants of the model along with the variable values. Different Quality Models 4.1 McCalls Quality Model This was the first ever quality model presented by the Jim McCall in year 1977 which is also called General Electronic Model [8]. Before presenting this model there was no any authentic model to review or check the quality of the product. This model provides a set of the basic characteristics to measure the quality of product. Figure 1. McCalls quality model and all of its components Three major perceptions of the McCall model for declaring and recognizing the quality of the product are presented following: Product Operation: The degree of any product that how much quickly and easily it can be understood, it includes, reliability, correctness, efficiency, integrity and usability criteria. Product Revision: it covers the maintainability, testability, changeability, flexibility and debugging of the product. Product Transition: it deals with the adaptability with the environment, portability, reusability and interoperability of the product. 4.2Boehms Quality Model Boehms software quality model [9] offers more attributes and characteristics of product than McCalls quality model. It was presented by Barry W. Boehm in 1978. Boehms model is almost similar to the McCall Quality Model because it also presents a hierarchical quality model designed about high-level, intermediate level and primitive characteristics, each of them plays an important role in the overall quality level. All above stated levels represent the questions of buyer, the quality factor which can affect or represent the quality of product and offers the basis for describing qualities metrics. Figure 2. Boehms quality model and all of its components Almost both Boehms and McCalls models similar to some extent [10].The difference in these two models is that McCalls model mainly centers on the accurate measurement of the high-level characteristics As-is utility. On other hand Boehms quality model is dependent on a broader range of characteristics with a stretched and detailed emphasis on primarily maintainability. 4.3 FURPS Quality Model FURPS model was presented after the McCalls and Boehms model. It was firstly presented by Robert Grady and Hewlett Packard Co. the abbreviation of word FURPS stands for Functionality, Usability, Reliability, Performance and Supportability of the product under development [11]. Functionality: Functionality contains combination of characteristics, security, features and capabilities. Usability: This section covers the factors which affect usability of the product like Human Factors, Aesthetic, material of training and documentation of the user. Reliability: It ensures the reliability and integrity factors like Recovery to failures Time among failures, Frequency and severity of failures. Performance: Enforces conditions on practical necessities like speed, availability, efficiency, throughput, accuracy, resource usage, response time and recovery time. Supportability: This section contains the components like Extensibility, Adaptability, Maintainability, Compatibility, Configurability, Install ability, Serviceability and Localizability. Figure 3. FURPS quality model and all of its components 4.4 IEEE Quality Model Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [12]. It is an international organization which also provided many standard models for the software product quality and maintenance. It presented, many standards of software quality assurance and verification/validation of the software product. The abstract figure of IEEE software quality models is given forward: Figure 4. IEEE quality model and all of its components This model illustrates several ways for the measurement of qualitative factors and reflects factors like Efficiency, Functionality, Maintainability, Portability, Reliability and Usability. Efficiency: It includes the characters like time and resources. Reliability: It contains the factors and the characteristics which are used to increase and maintain the maturity and reliability by fault tolerance and Recoverability. Functionality: It includes characteristics like accuracy, compatibility, completeness, security and interoperability. Supportability: It helps in maintaining the testability, extendibility and correctability. Portability: It makes the software portable by ensuring characteristics like hardware independency, software independency, adaptability, install-ability and reusability. Usability: It ensures the comprehensibility, communicativeness and ease of learning. 4.5 ISO 9126 Quality Model ISO 9126 [14] [13] is presented by the international standard organization. It is one of the most implemented and used quality model for maintaining the quality of the software product. This modern model is based at the previous models like McCall, Boehm, FURPS and many other old versions of the ISO like ISO 9000 and etc. Figure 5. ISO 9126 quality model and all of its components This version of ISO also takes account of functionality as parameter and include identification of both internal quality characteristics and external quality characteristics of the products. The characteristics new version of this model [15] contains are Efficiency, Maintainability, Functionality, Reliability, Portability and Usability. Efficiency: It contains the characters which affects the throughput in a given time and resources used. Reliability: It includes the Maturity, Fault Tolerance and Recoverability. Functionality: It contains many essential characteristics which are necessary for the proper functionality of the product like suitability, accurateness, interoperability, compliance and security. Maintainability: It helps in maintaining the changeability, stability and testability by using analyzability. Portability: It makes the software more dynamic and portable by ensuring characteristics like adaptability, install-ability, conformance and replaceability. Usability: It makes sour that the learnability and operability of the software product should be easy and simple. 5. Comparison of Models According to the above study and figures we did a comparison between all of the models to justify our competitive study. McCall Model: according to the reference [] and the figure 1 of McCall model we can observe it can say following characteristics are included in this model correctness, reliability, efficiency, integrity, usability, flexibility, maintainability, testability, portability, interpretability and reusability. Boehms Model: As shown in the above figure 2 and the literature the characteristics owned by the Boehms model [] are device independence, self-contentedness, understandability, modifiability, testability, human engineering, efficiency and reliability. FURPS Model: FURPS is the combination of functionality, usability, reliability, performance and supportability these are further classified into security, capabilities, availability, efficiency, throughput, accuracy, resource, response time, integrity, failures, human factors, documentation, extensibility, maintainability, compatibility, install ability and serviceability. All these characteristics are mentioned in reference no. . IEEE Model: As we mentioned above the IEEE model is consist of the external and internal characteristics like functionality, reliability, supportability, usability, efficiency and portability these external characteristics are sub divided into internal characteristics like time, resources, error tolerance, availability, completeness, accuracy, security, compatibility, interoperability, testability, correctability, hardware independence, software independence, installability, reusability, usability, comprehensibility, ease of learning, extensibility and communicativeness . ISO 9126 Model: ISO 9126 is the combination of all the models it includes all the best characteristics which are necessary for building up a satisfactory product. The main characteristics of the ISO model are functionality, reliability, maintainability, usability, efficiency and portability. The derived sub characteristics form those main characteristics are suitability, accurateness, interoperability, compliance, security, maturity, fault tolerance, recoverability, understandability, learnability, operability, time behaviour, resource behaviour, analyzability, changeability, stability, testability, adaptability, installability, conformance and replaceability. 6. Conclusion We have studied several types of software quality models which are different on the basis of their characteristics and methodologies. Really it was a great task and challenge for us to conclude which model is the best and which we should prefer to implement in developing a good software product. In this paper we have also made a comparison table (above) to understand the real differences in the models. This table also shows which features and characteristic a model contains or lacks. We have studied and compared the following models. McCalls Model: In McCalls quality model, the quality is mostly measured on the basis of judgment of the person(s) or the users by answering the questions given in a questioner. (Yes or no questions). Boehms Model: While Boehm concentrates on the levels based upon the characteristics of the product. FURPS: The FURPS quality model is made and stretched to be cast-off in the IBM Rational Software Company. So, it is a special-purpose quality model, which is presented, for the benefits and betterment of that company. IEEE: It is also a good model to implement. It uses different measurement ways and standards like software quality assurance to maintain the quality of the product. ISO 9126: The ISO 9126 quality model is the most useful model it has been figured on the basis of international agreements and accordance from all the countries which are members of the ISO organization. In result of the comparative study ISO 9126 is best model. But it depends at your software product and the organizations that which model is best for use. It is a satisfactory and successful completion we hope it help the new users to understand the quality models properly and easily. Quality Characteristics Models McCall Boehm FURPS IEEE ISO 9126 Stability Integrity Security Maturity Usability Accuracy Flexibility Efficiency Reliability Portability Testability Reusability Functionality Analyzability Modifiability Performance Install Ability Supportability Interpretability Maintainability Fault Tolerance Understandability Time Management Self-contentedness Availability Human Factors interoperability compliance Suitability Replaceability adaptability Device Independence References [1] Khomh, F., Haderer, N. and Antoniol, G. (2009). SQUAD: Software Quality Understanding through the Analysis of Design, Reverse Engineering, WCRE09, 16th working conference [2]Dubey, S.K., Gosh, S. and Rana, A. (2012). Comparison of Software Quality Models: An Analytical Approach. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, ISSN 2250-2459, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 111-119. [3]Robson, C. (2002). Real world research: a resource for social scientists and practitioner-researchers, Blackwell Publisher Ltd. [4]Sharma, K. and Sharma, K. (2013). Comparison of various software quality products, Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Recent Trends in Computing and Communication Engineering, RTCCE 2013 [5]Sharma, A., Kumar, R. and Grover, P. S. (2008). Estimation of Quality for software components: an empirical approach, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 33(6), pp. 1-10 [6]IEEE STD 729. (1983). IEEE Standard Glossary of the Software Engineering Terminology [7] Pressman, R. S. (2012). Software Engineering a practitioners Approach 7th Edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc. [8]McCall J. A., Richards, P. K. and Walters, G. F. (1977). Factors in Software Quality, Vol. 1, 2 and 3, AD/A 049-014/015/055, National Tech. Information service, Springfield. [9] Boehm, B. W., Brown, J. R., and Lipow, M. (1976). Quantitative evaluation of software quality, International Conference on Software Engineering, Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Software Engineering (2nd):592-605. [10]Boehm, B. W., Brown, J. R. and Kaspar, J. R. (1978).Characteristics of software Quality, TRW Series of software Technology, Amsterdam, North Holland. [11]Ghezzi, Jazayeri, C. M. and Mandrioli, D. (1991). Fundamental of software Engineering, Prentice-Hall, NJ, USA. [12] IEEE (1993). Standard for Software Maintenance, Software Engineering Standards Subcommittee of the IEEE Computer Society. [13] ISO/IEC TR 9126-3. (2002). Software Engineering Product Quality. [14]ISO 9126. (2000)E. Standard ISO/IEC, Information technology- Software product quality Part1: Quality Model, ISO/IEC FDIS 9126-1: 2000(E) [15]ISO/ IEC 25030. (2006). Software Engineering: Software Product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (Square), Quality Requirements.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Prohibtition of Alcohol in Gujarat

Prohibtition of Alcohol in Gujarat LESLIE DO REGO FYBA B. SECTION 1: Gujarat has a sumptuary law in force that proscribes the manufacture, storage, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Prohibition has been in place ever since statehood in 1960, originally in the purview of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949, but now under the Gujarat Prohibition Act, 2011, following several amendments. The latest version, which followed 150 deaths caused by hooch in Ahmedabad in 2009, includes the death penalty for those found guilty of making and selling spurious liquor. The law allows for temporary and long-term drinking permits to foreigners, NRIs and tourists, with outlets and purchase limits specified. A resident can get a permit only on health grounds. At special economic zones, the government allows consumption against three-year permits.(service, 2014) SECTION 2: Inter-disciplinary approach: There are many ways in which we can analyse this issue, through different disciplines which give us greater perspective and gives us a better idea of the issue viewed from different angles. First, let me shed some light on the Political aspects of this law: Appeasement of the masses: When looking at a law or a bill, one has to ask the simple question: Why was this proposed? In this case, it’s very simple. The people in power want to appease the people of Gujarat. An alcohol-free state encourages a family state. When I say that I mean parents would be happy to raise their children in a state where it would be impossible for them to fall prey to underage drinking and all the harms that come with it. It becomes an environment which is conducive for children growing up healthy and it keeps the vice of alcohol away. Also, this law has been in existence for over 60 years. In that time, the culture of Gujarat has changed and it has been cemented in the values of the people and families. For now, people are so used to the idea of an alcohol-free state that they may not be willing to make way for a more progressive state of things, in which the laws are relaxed. The conservative population will do anything to maintain this Law. This is wh ere the politics comes into play. Politicians, being pro-Prohibition or anti-prohibition internally, will project themselves as Pro-prohibition in order to appease the masses and gain their support. Vote Buying: This concept is different from Appeasement. Instead of the people following politicians, it’s the other way around in Vote Buying. Politicians provide incentive for people to support them. The reason I’ve brought this concept up in my paper is because of study on the reality of things in Gujarat. There has been evidence of politicians or members from political parties offering alcohol to the people. People have been visited at their homes for these kind of exchanges. It is estimated that liquor demand increases manifold during the election season as many parties resort to supplying liquor to people anticipating favourable voting. This sort of under the table activity is an act of vote buying and it unfortunately occurs which is why I’ve put it into this paper. Booze for ballot: While no police official was willing to be quoted on record about the flow of liquor to specific pockets in the state ahead of elections, sources said that liquor for vote was a reality in several places. During polls, the quantum of seizures made by the Election Commission remains higher than that of the police (Times of India, 2014). However, due to the impending fear of seizures and consequent losses, the transportation of liquor from other states to Gujarat falls during elections. The bootleggers often increase their stock of goods before the poll date and release them gradually at a larger profit. Bribery and monetary gain: Theweekly payoffs flow continuously in government as well as police departments from the bottom to the top. Regular raids on liquor dens and bootleggers, and arrest and imprisonment of offenders, are mere drama which provide the police with some good publicity. For, the truth is that the liquor mafias ensure that families of arrested or jailed bootleggers are not short of money while the hafta collection continues. This has been a regular feature of prohibition in Gujarat from the beginning. It is estimated that the money involved in illicit liquor business is almost equal to the loss in excise and customs duty of the state exchequer. (dna, 2014) So it is glaringly clear that the higher-ups or the people in power benefit from the support of a large percentage of the people for keeping the law in place but also benefit from the under-the-table deals that are rampant in the State with respect to alcohol laws. Social Aspects: Demonstration Effect: Demonstration effects are effects on thebehaviorof individuals caused by observation of the actions of others and their consequences. The term is particularly used inpolitical scienceandsociologyto describe the fact that developments in one place will often act as a catalyst in another place (Wikipedia, 2014). If we look at the law optimistically, we see the behaviour of people as shown by the demonstration effect. Taking the law on prohibition, when alcohol is banned, most of the people stop consuming it. On seeing the behaviour of the people in question, others may stop as well, maybe people from outside Gujarat. So the law does not affect only the citizens of Gujarat. Through the demonstration effect we can see that the alcohol consumption of people from neighbouring states may well decreases thanks to the law. Consumption of spurious alcohol: It is an observed phenomenon in modern studies of human behaviour that when something is taken away from a person, their want for that object increases. We can equate it with the prohibition law. With the ban of alcohol, the demand for it does not go away. In the state of Gujarat a large portion of the population still demand alcohol. This demand is met by bootlegging activities (which I will elaborate on later). However, since the law prohibits the selling of alcoholic substances, the bootlegged liquor that one receives is at a higher price. The people of impoverished circumstances simply cannot afford the good stuff. But the demand remains. Therefore, the poor population resorts to alcohol of an inferior quality. This is often spurious alcohol which is incredibly harmful to the body and can also prove fatal. On 7 July 2009, ten people died inBehrampuraafter drinking spurious liquor.The liquor was brewed in the house of Arvind Solanki, who also died after consuming the liquor. The death toll rose to 43 next dayand crossed 120 by July 12.276 people were admitted in various hospitals with nearly 100 of them inintensive care units.More than 1000 litres of hooch containingmethanolwas brought to AhmedabadfromMohammadabad. (Wikipedia, 2014) Section 3: When one thinks of the economic analysis of Prohibition one’s mind goes to revenue. The revenue of a state under prohibition is significantly less than that of an anti-Prohibition state, obviously. The widespread consumption and purchase of alcohol by the masses provides huge income for the state through sale and tax. But, when we delve deeper into this issue, we see the many aspects of economics that comes into play. The economics of Prohibition and Addiction The relatively inelastic demand for alcohol by an alcoholic: To start off, I’ll explain in a few lines what the elasticity of demand is. It is basically the behaviour of a consumer’s demand with a corresponding change in price. It shows the relationship between the two and measures the extent to which the consumer’s demand changes. When we use the term relatively inelastic demand what we’re saying is the change in price doesn’t have a very big effect on the demand of the consumer. This is usually observed in the demand for essential goods. Therefore, when analysing the demand for alcohol of an alcoholic, he is psychologically and sometimes physically dependant on alcohol. Thus even when the price goes higher he still demands alcohol. So the bootleggers in a way have a direct impact on the welfare of the people, controlled with the prices that they charge for bootlegged alcohol. Also, the sever dependency of an alcoholic on alcohol can drive him into poverty due to his inelastic demand for alcohol and the prev iously mentioned high prices of bootlegged alcohol. We can also see this form the point of view of the sellers of liquor. Experience has shown that stricter the law against drinking, higher is the price of illegal liquor and greater are the profits. The existence of a huge black market of alcohol in the state of Gujarat: As I’ve said before, bootlegging in Gujarat is rampant. It is safe to say that even with the blanket ban, anybody who wants to can have access to alcohol and its products. There are over 300 listed bootleggers in Ahmedabad and over 3,500 in Gujarat. Half of them smuggle IMFL while the rest brew country-made liquor. As part of an unwritten understanding between bootleggers and low-ranking policemen, bootleggers are booked in small-time cases from time to time and sent to jail for short durations. A senior police official says that politicians-from the panchayat to the state levels-are greater beneficiaries of this illicit business. According to an unofficial estimate, the Ahmedabad police getRs.80 lakh toRs.1 crore as monthly bribes from bootleggers. It is believed that the Gujarat police get aroundRs.100 crore as bribes from bootleggers. Vadodara police getRs.50 lakh each year, Surat police getRs.70 lakh andRs.25 lakh goes to the Rajkot police. There have been instances where police officials themselves have created bootleggers to earn illicit money from them. Around a dozen major bootleggers operating from the border areas of Gujarat churn out an annual turnover of overRs.1,500 crore by selling illicit Indian made foreign liquor (IMFL) in the state. Hundreds of smaller IMFL and country-made liquor bootleggers operate with impunity under the very noses of the Gujarat police and politicians. With the prohibition law becoming a farce, each year the state Government losesRs.3,000 crore in excise duty due to bootlegging. According to state intelligence sources, bootlegger Kailash Rathis gang alone pushes 10 trucks of IMFL worthRs.1 crore into Gujarat each day. Rathi, who was arrested in Ahmedabad recently, operated from Sanchor, Rajasthan. His annual turnover is pegged atRs.300 crore. Ramesh Patel alias Michaels turnover from selling illicit liquor is as much as Rathis. Patel operates out of Daman on the south Gujarat border. His brother is a district panchayat chief in Daman. That the police are involved in bootlegging is evident from the suspension of an Ahmedabad police inspector for accepting a bribe ofRs.20 lakh from Nagdan Gadhvi, one of Gujarats most active liquor smugglers. (, 2014) So the numbers don’t lie. Gujarat ropes in a huge amount of revenue from bootlegging. But unfortunately, Gujarat does not gain anything. In other states, through various taxes the State has a piece of the pie of this revenue. However, due to the ban, all the money brought in because of alcohol is black money which results in the loss of possible income of thousands of crores of rupees for the exchequer. Increased price of Alcohol: It is a common concept in economics that when supply goes down, price goes up. Now in a State which has a policy of prohibition, it is obvious that the supply falls dramatically. Since, again, it is a state under Prohibition, there can be no regulation in prices. The sellers of alcohol can freely decide the prices of the products they sell and the customers are powerless and have no choice but to accept these prices. And they are forced to pay these prices for their daily fix. Policy Efficacy and Section 4: The avoidance of alcohol consumption can be looked at as a noble cause. However, the government should not have the right to force it upon people. We elect the government to protect us and serve us for the good of the country. The attempt at legislating what is moral should not be encouraged. I feel that this law should be repealed. It is a law which is over 60 years old and is a hindrance to the advancement of India on a global scale. There are many direct losses due to this law. The state loses thousands of crores of excise duty which, in turn, has to be recovered by making other goods and services more expensive. Gujarats government has estimated that it loses Rs 30 Billion ($ 615 Million, â‚ ¬ 441 Million, Â £ 379 Million) a year in excise revenues from prohibition, hinting at the true magnitude of the states underground alcohol trade (1). Several other Indian states have tried prohibition in the past, but all except Gujarat have abandoned it. Gujarat is trying hard to promot e itself as a global investment destination and a tourist hub. For both these industries, the ban on alcohol has an adverse effect. Indians are ok with the hypocrisy of routinely breaking the law. Many foreigners are not. Foreign tourists do not find it exciting or normal to have bootlegged alcohol. Gujarat’s beach destinations, for instance, will never thrive unless the alcohol policy is lifted. Tourism creates jobs. With this law in place, we are preventing employment to thousands of Gujarat’s youth. Also, even as an investment destination, this policy isn’t helping Gujarat. There is no global finance city – be it London, New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Shanghai, Seoul or Mumbai — where alcohol is banned. World businessmen don’t wish to live in a place where they are doing something illegal when they attend a party. If Gujarat is serious about becoming a world class business destination, the need of the hour is to benchmark its laws to these locations. Looking at it from an economic point of view, even then, I feel it is imperative to repeal the law. As I’ve said above, Gujarat cannot hope to become a global financial hub if this law remains. The massive increase in revenue if the law is repealed can go a long way in improving the conditions in Gujarat and can finance a number of social welfare schemes. To end, I say that taking steps to address social problems such as alcoholism are welcome. But prohibition, especially if implemented in bits and pieces, may not serve its purpose. The Government should endeavour to educate people about the perils of excess alcohol consumption. An outright ban impacts not only people with a drinking problem, but also those who see alcohol as a recreational beverage and social lubricant. CITATIONS: dna, (2014).The punch of liquor lies in prohibition by Gujarat govt | Latest News Updates at Daily News Analysis. The Times of India, (2014).In dry Gujarat, booze demand soars before polls; EC’s largest liquor seizure in India was made in state The Times of India. service, E. (2014).Prohibition: How Gujarat and other states fared. [online] The Financial Express. Available at: J Indian Acad Forensic Med. Jan- March 2012, Vol. 34, No. 1, (2014).The price of Prohibition : NATION, News India Today. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Nov. 2014]. Wikipedia, (2014).2009 Gujarat alcohol poisonings. [online] Wikipedia, (2014).Demonstration effect. [online]

Thursday, September 19, 2019

REVERSIBLE BONDED STRAIN GAGE :: essays research papers

ABSTRACT For accurately measuring thermal strains, particularly on large structures where welded strain gages cannot be used, a reversible bonded strain gage was developed. Basically it is a special polyimide strain gage which is same on both the base side and cover side so that it can be used both ways. It can be used to measure strains at temperatures under 250oC (482oF) of a structure made of aluminum alloys or composites (to which its difficult to weld a strain gage).These gages can be can be peeled after taking required apparent strain measurements in a furnace and can be attached reverse side up at a required point on a structure. To measure mechanical stresses on structures at high temperatures it is essential to measure apparent thermal stresses accurately in the first place. In practice, several strain gages in a pack are used to obtain calibration data. The apparent strain and gage factor change of all the gages in the pack are assumed to be same which is not so in practice, in spit e of great efforts to reduce scatter of apparent strain. Since reversible strain gages can be reattached to the test structure after taking apparent strain readings, the error caused due to apparent strain scatter (by using different strain gages) can be reduced to great extent. In this paper the thermal characteristics of the reversible strain gage – repeatability of apparent strain, gage-factor change, creep, drift and the output for a given mechanical strain – were investigated. INTRODUCTION There are several problems associated with elevated temperature measurements, static or dynamic, the basic one being that alloys useful as strain gages at these temperatures are also excellent temperature sensors. Firstly, installation of the strain gage is a problem and secondly the apparent strain and change in gage factor makes it very difficult to measure the actual strain. In aerospace industry we come across a lot of situations when very accurate strain measurements at high temperatures are required, but in spite of a lot of improvement in new high temperature strain gages most of them are welded types. Hence, they cannot be used on materials like aluminum alloys or composites. In this paper, a reversible bonded strain gage is described for use at temperatures under 250o (482oF) that can be applied to a structure made of materials commonly used in aerospace industry like aluminum alloys and various composites. Aircraft wings are often subjected to high temperature and high acou stic noise level and the application of reversible strain gages to accurately measure the stresses is the main motivation behind choosing this paper for review.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Identity, Perception, Action and Choice in Contemporary and Traditional :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays

Identity, Perception, Action and Choice in Contemporary and Traditional "No-Self" Theories ABSTRACT: The ego is traditionally held to be synonymous with individual identity and autonomy, while the mind is widely held to be a necessary basis of cognition and volition, with responsibility following accordingly. However Buddhist epistemology, existential phenomenology and poststructuralism all hold the notion of an independent, subsisting, self-identical subject to be an illusion. This not only raises problems for our understanding of cognition (if the self is an illusion, then who does the perceiving and who is deluded) and volition (who initiates acts), as well as for the notion of responsibility (in the absence of an independently subsisting subject there appears to be no autonomous agent). For Buddhism, no-self theory raises serious problems for the doctrine of reincarnation (in the absence of a self, who is responsible for failing to overcome desires and attachments; furthermore, who gets reincarnated?). Arguing for such "no-self" theories, the paper attempts to demonstr ate how such difficulties can nevertheless be resolved. The self is traditionally held to be synonymous with individual identity and autonomy, while the mind, which is closely associated therewith, is widely held to be a necessary basis of cognition and volition, and the responsibility following therefrom. However Buddhism, Existential Phenomenology and Postsructuralism all point out that we have neither direct empirical experience of, nor sufficient justification for inferring, the existence of an independently subsisting self. Buddhists for instance point out that, careful attention to the empirical evidence reveals that all the experiences we have of human subjectivity per se may be characterized in terms of five skandhas or aggregates. These are 1) Form; understood as the Body, including the sense-organs, 2) Feelings and Sensations, 3) Perceptions, 4) Mental Formations (or volitional tendencies) including habits and dispositions etc., and 5) Six Consciousnesses, consisting of the consciousness or awareness of sensations emanating from each of the five senses, plus a consciousness of non-sensory or purely mental experiences. Noting the changing nature of each of these skandhas, they conclude that there is no adequate justification for the common inference that these constantly changing phenomena are changing appearances of a persistent, independently subsisting self or ego. Nor, as Phenomenologists and others have pointed out, do we experience a mind as such, — which much Western Philosophy regards, if not as synonymous with, then certainly essential to, individual identity and autonomy, — independent of the constantly changing sensations, perceptions, feelings, thoughts and ideas etc.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Is ‘Of Mice and Men’ Pessimistic? Essay

The two main themes of ‘Of mice and Men’ are loneliness and prejudice. These two elements create a depressive and pessimistic background. You can feel the pessimism all through the book, but some parts have different levels of pessimism. John Steinbeck chose the title from a poem called ‘To a Mouse’ and written by Robbie Burns, from which the book is clearly inspired: â€Å"But Mousie, thou are no thy-lane, In proving foresight may be vain: The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men, Gang aft agley, An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain, For promis’d joy!† The last two verses refer to the dream and how it doesn’t succeed. The dream is destroyed by loneliness, which in this case, is represented by Curly’s wife. When Lennie kills her everything is over; Lennie knows this, but he is too slow to realise it’s true. In this verse Robbie Burns tries to tell us that men are as weak as mice, and that often our plans don’t succeed and we only get the opposite. Curly’s wife is one of the most important characters in the book because she represents both loneliness and prejudice; and is also a victim of both. She is prejudged for being a woman and is not even given a name; this is how John Steinbeck shows the prejudice in the book. â€Å"If I catch any one man, and he’s alone, I get along fine with him. But just let two of the guys get together an’ you won’t talk. Jus’ nothing but mad. You’re all scared of each other†, in this quotation you can see how she and all the workers in the ranch feel; they are all lonely but they’re all too scared of being prejudged for talking to Curly’s wife. She is married, even if Curly doesn’t love her; but he is very possessive, and cnat stand that she flirts with the workers in the ranch. â€Å"Got no teeth, he’s all stiff with rheumatism. He ain’t no good to you, Candy. An’ he ain’t no good to himself. Why’n’t you shoot him, Candy?† Candy’s dog is his only friend, this shows all the loneliness in the ranch. Candy is left to no other option than to shoot the dog, his only companion, and this will lead him to complete loneliness. This is an obvious metaphor to what’s going to happen to Lennie, which is no good for George or any one else. Another small metaphor, which gives a clue to what’s going to happen to Lennie, is that the same gun is used to kill the dog and Lennie. When George and Lennie are in the bunkhouse, Lennie plays a solitaire. This is a metaphor to George’s loneliness. He has Lennie but he knows he’s not capable of doing difficult tasks, and in some way Lennie is to George no more than a pet dog; this fact ‘highlights’ George’s situation: loneliness. When George kills Lennie, slim is the only one that realizes it was him, and knew it was going to happen: â€Å"Never you mind. A guy got to sometimes†. Lennie has sometimes in the book got a dead mouse or animal in his pocket; he loves them, and never intends to kill them, but he does. This reflects what’s going to happen to the dream, Lennie loves it, but unconsciously, he destroys it. Optimism takes a good part in the book; Lennie’s relationship with George is optimistic because Lennie is always thinking in the future and in the dream. Candy too is optimistic about the dream, but knows it’s all over when Lennie kills Curly’s wife. George is the cleverest from the three and knows from the beginning that the dream is never going to happen, and that it’s impossible. Lennie keeps going on about the dream and so George finally with optimism and for a short period of time, thinks its possible but it all comes to an end when Lennie accidentally kills Culys’s wife. This is a book with a pessimistic atmosphere, and it’s set in a bad time for the world. John Steinbeck had the same life as a worker like George and had similar experiences. Lennie’s relationship with Gorge in the beginning is very optimistic, but in the end it all changes and their lives turn into a ‘blind alley’. In conclusion, this book is pessimistic, and it’s a masterpiece of modern literature.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Advantages of Cooperative Learning for English Language Learners

Concerted acquisition is a successful instruction scheme in which little squads, each with pupils of different degrees of ability, take part in a assortment of larning activities to better their apprehension of a topic ( Noyes, 2010 ) . Each member of a squad is accountable non merely for larning what is taught but besides for assisting teammates learn, therefore making an environment of success ( Kagan, 2002 ) . Students work through the undertaking or assignment until all group members successfully understand and complete it. For English linguistic communication scholars, concerted acquisition is critical, because it genuinely accelerates larning. There is no better manner to larn linguistic communication, other than utilizing it. Teachers frequently model linguistic communication but, hamper pupils by non supplying them with chances to use it and master facets of the linguistic communication every bit quickly as possible ( Noyes, 2010 ) . Concerted larning provides the chance for English linguistic communication scholars ( ELL ) to speed up acquisition of the linguistic communication accomplishments required to be making good in academic topics. The intent of concerted acquisition is each member of the squad is accountable for non merely larning what is taught, but besides assisting their teammates learn. It creates an ambiance of community and accomplishment ( Kagan, 2002 ) . The pupils are really learning each other and a map that ‘s community based and builds coaction. Concerted acquisition is a scheme that can be used with all pupils. Benefits for English Language Learners Concerted acquisition is normally valuable for any pupil larning a 2nd linguistic communication. Concerted acquisition activities support equal communicating, which helps the enlargement of linguistic communication and the acquisition of constructs and content ( Kagan, 2002 ) . It is indispensable to delegate ELLs to different squads so that they can profit from English linguistic communication function theoretical accounts. ELLs learn to convey themselves with greater independency when working in little squads. In add-on to picking up vocabulary, ELLs benefit from detecting how their equals learn and explain jobs. Functions need to be assigned and rotated each hebdomad or by activity. By revolving, pupils increase accomplishments they chiefly need to execute. Cooperative larning physiques larning communities as pupils grow to be experienced at how to acquire along, how to be concerned for themselves and for each other and how to cover with their ain public presentation as they work on the manner to a common aim ( Kagan, 2002 ) . Concerted larning groups make best usage of the fleet attainment of English because it provides pupils with apprehensible part in English in encouraging, non-threatening milieus ( Noyes, 2010 ) . Academic and linguistic communication acquisition requires that pupils have chances to calculate out what they hear and read every bit good as express themselves in important undertakings ( McGroarty, 1993 ) . Concerted larning creates normal, synergistic contexts in which pupils have bona fide grounds for listening to one another, inquiring inquiries, elaborating issues, and re-stating points of observation. The foundation of school accomplishment is academic literacy in English ; age appropriate comprehension of English is a demand in the achievement of content criterions. We learn chiefly through linguistic communication and usage of linguistic communication to convey our cognition. Concerted acquisition additions chances for pupils to build and calculate out linguistic communication and to derive mold and unfavorable judgment from their equals. A great trade of the significance of concerted acquisition lies in the manner coaction encourages pupils to link in such high degree believing accomplishments as analyzing, explicating, synthesising, and lucubrating ( McGroarty, 1993 ) . Teacher ‘s Role in Cooperative Learning Standards must be taught. The regulations of larning groups must be understood by all pupils ( Noyes, 2010 ) . The larning groups must be free from negative remarks which hinder larning and growing. Everyone must be active hearers ; each squad member must take part, and assist everyone understand the aim and what is being learned. Additionally, noise degrees must be kept in position and the group needs to maintain on the assignment. Schools must supply learning that assists ELLs in geting content country comprehension along with resources for going skilled in English ( NCLB, 2001 ) . Concerted acquisition is non merely group work ( Noyes, 2010 ) . For it to be effectual, the instructor must learn high public-service corporation words that appear within the content countries that are a agencies to comprehension along with definitions and illustrations of usage in context. The group must prosecute each member in acquisition words through an mixture of methods of comparison, analysing, and utilizing mark words because academic linguistic communication is of import for reading and command of accomplishments in all capable countries. Careful planning is a must for concerted acquisition to be effectual. ELLs working in concerted acquisition groups must be given assignments harmonizing to their degrees of English proficiency. The instructor must be cognizant of their phases of linguistic communication acquisition. Class edifice and squad edifice activities such as mix brace portion, mingle and lucifer, give one/get one, find person who, think brace portion, unit of ammunition tabular array, and roll the room are utile ways to incorporate concerted acquisition into the schoolroom ( Noyes, 2010 ) . Decisions Research suggests that concerted larning techniques boost ability for all pupils ( Noyes, 2010 ) . Cummins ( 2001 ) considers cooperative larning â€Å" an authorization teaching method † because pupils have greater chances to pattern unwritten linguistic communication. Concerted acquisition is a successful attack in which little squads, each with pupils of diverse degrees of capableness, use a scope of larning activities to progress their apprehension of a subject ( Noyes, 2010 ) . Each member of the squad is accountable non merely for larning what is taught, but besides for assisting teammates learn through the formation of an environment of achievement ( Kagan, 2002 ) . Concerted attempts consequence in members motivated for common accomplishment so that all addition from each other ‘s attempts, acknowledge that all members portion a common destiny, know that one ‘s public presentation is caused by each other working together and experience proud and jointly observe when 1 is recognized for success. Concerted acquisition is non merely group work or a manner to maintain pupils busy. Teachers must supply cardinal direction in phonemic consciousness, phonics, eloquence, vocabulary, and comprehension and let the kineticss of concerted acq uisition to supply pattern for proficiency.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

An Analysis of George Orwell’s Essay Why I Write Essay

George Orwell and Joan Didion, in their essay, â€Å"Why I Write,† imply that writing has affected each author to abdicate adversity and to accept failure. Orwell and Didion support their implications by explaining how each author attempted to embrace the abstract ideas in writing, but learned to view themselves as mediocre writers, neither good nor bad, whose self-reflection in writing produced a solemn atmosphere. Their purpose is to educate the reader on relevant motives and authenticity associated with writing to help them conceive a profound piece of work through self-reflection. Both authors establish a formal but moderately depressing tone, appealing to young Americans who hope to become writers. George Orwell, in the essay, â€Å"Why I Write† utilizes the rhetorical strategy of explanation in order to effectively deliver his message to the attending audience. Orwell, at first, introduces a statement about his childhood and his ambitious goals to become an inspiring writer. Suffering from depression and solitude during his adolescent years, Orwell often constructed solemn pieces of literature in order to reflect upon his current lifestyle. This idea of self-reflection assisted Orwell in becoming an exalt writer. Through exemplification, Orwell introduced the â€Å"four great motives for writing. † Orwell reflects upon the subject of sheer egotism, arguing that writers often write to be remembered. The author further elaborates on this idea, stating that serious writers care more about personal self-reflection than making money. In the motive of aesthetic enthusiasm, Orwell views himself as a moderate writer, illustrating how writers make their writing sound and look good by appreciating the aesthetics. The author eventually provides an example for these motives, by appealing to the pathos in his Spanish-civil war poem, often concentrating on emotion and expressing remorse. Through explanation, George Orwell was able to effectively deliver his message to the attending audience. Joan didion, in the essay â€Å"Why I write,† utilizes the rhetorical strategy of explanation to appeal to her audience. Joan introduces her essay with the topic of self-reflection, by illustrating the act of saying I. In addition, Joan elaborates on this idea of self-reflection, explaining how writing allowed her to create a mind of abstract ideas. Similar to Orwell, Joan experienced several obstacles that impeded her writing. The author focuses on a particular issue, in which Didion became distracted while writing. The author reflects upon this idea, by providing an example of how her attention diverted simply to a â€Å"flowering pear outside her window† or the â€Å"lights on in the Bevatron† while writing at Berkley. Didion additionally conveys her attitude towards these distractions, often wondering why such events occur. As a result, Joan often ponders upon the abstract ideas in order to enhance her writing. Through the use of explanation, Joan didion was able to effectively deliver her message to the attending audience. George Orwell and Joan didion, in their why I write, employ the rhetorical strategy of explanation in order effectively attend to their audience. Though each author provided examples in order to support their implication, their appeals to pathos and emphasis on pondering the abstract ideas in writing further attracted their audience.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How Emotions Affect Our Communication Skills Essay

Emotions are a funny thing. Whether or not you’re an ardent believer of emotions make or break a man, I think that lines stands true. Emotions can make us sail in the colors of being so pleasant at one time while another sort of emotion can wreck a man’s image as being barbaric. Just to figure this concept out, I undertook the assignment to see how emotions affect me on a personal communication level. To keep a close watch on my emotions for a few days was a task I was rather excited about! The first ‘official’ emotion I felt according to my journal was of happiness. I had woken up the first day or my college and felt an unbelievable excitement about what the day was going to entail. I got dressed humming my favorite song and off to college I was. Just by feeling a very happy person I knew the day was going to be an amazing one. Obviously, when you’re beaming with the joy, nothing can possibly bring you down. I was shocked at confidence I felt when I was content in my own skin. I greeted new people, in the new atmosphere and basically made quite a few friends. The whole day I felt like I was an energy ball and I was willing to sit in the front row of class, not afraid to listen and question the teacher. I actually thought that my positive energy sent out great vibes to the others also as they were not hesitant in carrying the conversation along with me. And the teachers were more than eager to answer my inquisitiveness. That only made me happier. I took part in a debate the next day. Not an official one but a sort of an unofficial debate with some college students at the local cafeteria. The debate was about ‘Terrorism can’t be uprooted at the expense of Civilian lives†. The talk was about a controversial topic and I was one of the few people who were agreeing with the topic. I soon realized that the people on the opposite team were talking purely without any reasoning. That registered another feeling in me†¦the bad feeling†¦of anger. I saw my enthusiasm evaporating and being replaced by mild irritation. In my mind I kept wondering how people could think so wrong. Before I had a chance to speak out, some of the debaters concluded the debate and childishly dances around thinking they had won. I was furious. That is the exact emotion I had put down in my journal. But that is when somebody out of the â€Å"against the topic† crowd came up to me and acknowledged my views on the subject. She seemed like someone I could talk to because she sort of â€Å"had my back† per say. She was willing to sit there and listen to me view. She nodded as I spoke and later on told me how I had managed to erase the wrong views from her mind. I was overwhelmed. Someone’s sincerity had cleared up my earlier anger. I felt like I could trust that girl. She became my good friend instantly because when the trust factor plays its positive role, the communication takes another height. I talked to her freely throughout the day and I was amazed to find out we just connected on a very high level. I had found somebody I could trust(Meyer, 2002). I wasn’t sure what the next big emotion I would feel until I got a call from my uncle in telling me he wasn’t coming to visit me and my family due some issues with his business. He had been planning his visit from South Africa since the last 2 years. His whole family was supposed to come and stay with us for a month. I felt dejected. After he had told me the news, I phoned my parents to talk to them about the sadness but understood his reasoning. They were as disappointed as I was so we talked about how much we miss him. I communicated freely with my mother who explained to me that perhaps we could go and visit him. It made feel lighter if not better. That day when I came into contact with my college fellows, I wasn’t the usual cheery girl as I always had been. The communication skills that day were strained, I realized. I didn’t really talk to anyone more than the usual greetings. As soon as my friend from the debating group came to me, I knew she could transgress the limits I had set around myself that day. And so she did. Just because with her I felt a bond of trust, I confessed everything to her when she probed why I looked so down. I leaned on her and she stood by me trying to be a good friend. By analyzing my emotions led communication skills, I can conclude that they have a major part in our everyday lives. Knowing how to control emotions is a bigger task though because emotions don’t always allow us to think clearly. Whatever we feel, we ought to keep it in tight check and be realistic about it. References: Aliki. (1986). Feelings (Reading Rainbow book). HarperCollins Cain, J. (2000). The Way I Feel. Parenting Press Meyer, J. (2002). Managing Your Emotions: Instead of Your Emotions Managing You. FaithWords

Friday, September 13, 2019

Calculating cash flow and net present value (see paper for details) Assignment

Calculating cash flow and net present value (see paper for details) - Assignment Example From the presented case of the manufacturing organization, revenue outflows are the additional support costs of  £4K every year. Capital inflows refer to those incomes that are generated from other activities other than the normal trading of an entity. In the case of the manufacturing organization such capital inflows is the sale of machinery. On the other hand, revenue inflows are those incomes that are generated by an entity from its normal operations by selling goods or services. To establish the payback period, the cumulative cash flows was established, but from the above calculations, the manufacturing organization could not cover its initial investment costs of  £410K from the net cash flows it generates within a period of five years. It is also a discounted cash flow technique that uses the principle of NPV. It is individual investment’s rate of return when it is considered in isolation or independently of all other investments that the firm undertakes. It is that rate of return which is inherent or internal to the cash flow of a given project. It is the discounting or required rate of return that gives a zero NPV i.e. ∑PVs – I0 = 0 NPV. Internal rate of return is established through trial and error, interpolation, or extrapolation method. Through the trial and error, a rate of interest is selected at random and is used in the establishment of NPV of the cash flows. If the rate chosen gives a lower NPV than the cost, a lower rate is chosen and if the rate gives a greater NPV, a higher rate is chosen. The process continues until the final rate chosen gives a zero

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Cuban Legal System and Stereotypes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cuban Legal System and Stereotypes - Essay Example The movie creates negative stereotypes of Cuban people as criminals and drug-dealers. It portrays that the majority of immigrants are criminals who follow the same way of life in America. Immigrants can acquire schooling in either the country of origin or in the country of destination. The movie portrays that immigration has been an economic phenomenon, operating through labor demand within more or less competitive labor markets in the United States. Workers like Manny and Tonny, have quickly responded as economic men and women to any indications that jobs were available to them; the pay that they could earn in the United States was many times greater than the sums that they received for subsistence farming, hired farm work, or other kinds of low-skilled employment in Mexico. With wages on the order of seven to ten times higher in the United States than in Ciba throughout the century, an extremely strong motive force for migration has existed and has produced actual migration wheneve r U.S. employers have beckoned. Cuban people are portrayed as low skilled and low educated who agree on any job even if it illegal. I select these stereotypes (stereotypes of a criminal and poor immigrant) because they reflect the plot and message sent by the movie. Poverty and underemployment in Cuba are conditions from which many workers have obviously wanted to escape, but escape is not possible until there is someplace to escape to. The United States at various times has put out a call for Mexican workers. Poverty in Cuba has meant that an ever-ready pool of labor has been available south of the border, waiting to be tapped; it is clear that U.S. economic agents, largely employers, have decided when that pool would be tapped. In other words, Mexican migration, at least until recently, has not been a case of workers and their families unilaterally overriding U.S. border and immigration control in order to escape

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Individual project 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Individual project 4 - Essay Example Experience in the process: Prior work experience may not always be a criterion in the selection process while filling a vacancy. But it becomes a criterion when the post requires handling of some specialized activities which only an experienced person can handle or when there is not enough time to train a fresh candidate for the post. Prior work experience is mandatory when the recruitment is for top level managerial jobs. Communication skills: Communication skills are a mandatory criterion for most jobs. It is essential for better performance on the job. No business deal is made without an effective communication. Therefore, it is important that every individual at the core positions possesses good communication skills. For almost all the jobs, communication skills are an important selection criterion. Advantages: The main advantage for external selection for this post is that a wide choice of potential candidates is available. The company can get a pool of qualified and experienced personnel for the position from which they can select the best one. The second major advantage is that it will help to bring in new ideas. A person who has experience as store manager in some other company may bring in ideas that were used in the other company which can be helpful to our company. (Peterson, 2012) Disadvantages: The first major disadvantage is the higher cost involved in the process. External selection for the post requires advertisement and several other screening processes thereafter. This will incur higher cost than internal recruitment. Moreover, external selection is a time consuming process. Another major flaw in this selection is that the existing employees below the store manager level will feel de-motivated because their chance for advancement is being hindered. (Riley, 2012) Advantages: The Company need not incur much cost for selection as the resources are readily available in the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Western Images of Asia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Western Images of Asia - Essay Example The reason for this shared animosity (That has passed from generation to generation), is that throughout history, each religion and people have felt that their God is in fact the only God and that the other faith is filled with Heretics or Infidels. In modern times another reason for western peoples apprehension towards Islam is that they do not understand its people or customs, they may see a women wearing a veil and automatically think she is a grenade-toting terrorist. In the last 25 years there has been a resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism and many western people automatically link these groups to the mainstream Muslim population and state, this is probably the main reason people believe that Islam is a threat to the west. This is far from the case that, "Political, rather than religious, considerations have been as much the driving force in Islamic states as elsewhere. The 1991 Gulf War patently demonstrated that religious considerations of the regions countries were supersede d by their political calculations. The behaviour of Iran, Turkey, Israel, and the Arab countries throughout the war was clearly based on a pragmatic style of politics." ( Monshipouri, 2003, pg25) After the terrorists attacks on The U.S. in September 2002 further made the western public feel that the religion of Islam was a threat to the west. These attacks, carried out by a small extreme group of fundamentalists has succeeded in raising the awareness of Islamic fundamentalism in the west and raising sense of threat from the extreme version of the faith. The attacks also displayed the differences between cultures and religions, as states, "Americans have tended to believe that their institutions and values-democracy, individual rights, the rule of law and prosperity based on economic freedom-represent universal aspirations that will ultimately be shared by people all

Post-Assessment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Post-Assessment - Coursework Example Particularly, I will discuss the quantitative mechanisms that have enhanced establishment of my strengths and weaknesses. My week 12 project is therefore an evaluation research that is reexamining the initial thoughts and impressions I had as compared to the current knowledge and literacy that I hold. Social change as indicated in my older research is the gradual alteration in the social order, or the mechanisms within a social structure. It entails marked changes in the cultural signs, behavioral trends, and the value mechanisms of any given society (O’Leary, 2005). These changes have social consequences in the long run. Some marked long-term effects in the social changes are the industrial revolution, abolition slavery, and the feminist movement. According to my research, social change involves making constant changes in the systemic level and inevitable fight with those who hold positions of power. Democracy is the key factor in the undertaking of social changes. Democracy at its best eliminates racial and ethnic bounds and orientates on persons irrespective of gender, age, or ethnic backgrounds. In such a situation, creative solutions emerge to solve the social problems hence a social change. The advice I can and I have previously set for the researchers is that they s hould never hung up trying to understand all concepts in any outset. Projects are often monumental hence seemingly overwhelming. Therefore, the researchers should cope with it challenges by only mastering the essential skills. The researchers should not block any action and progress waiting to get the complete knowledge as this is a failure. Exposure to research gives the researcher the skills to tackle tasks that are even more challenging. Research skill development is extremely essential to any individual in the field (Catherine, 2004). Progress reports are vital

Monday, September 9, 2019

An Analysis of Marketing Procedures Being Used By Leading Fast Food Literature review

An Analysis of Marketing Procedures Being Used By Leading Fast Food Franchises - Literature review Example sations are highly focused on executing exceptional marketing strategies concerning their diverse range of fast-food products to a large number of global consumers (Christian & Gereffi, 2010). Based in a similar context, Hooley Graham (2008) further observed that the emerging competition among the leading fast-food chain retailers has been a consequence of the extensive marketing activities performed by the global organisations. Moreover, the fast-food retail organisations have also exhibited a trend to incorporate different exceptional marketing strategies by promoting authentic as well as contemporary culinary innovation, cultural tastes, desires as well as demands of the local communities where they operate in the international context (Hooley Graham, 2008). In the similar context, Lichtenberg (2012) has also stated that the global fast-food industry has been playing a crucial role in channelising the effective of internationalisation in various economies, especially, the developi ng economies by accomplishing a rapid expansion in the various international markets. The organisations have also been implementing extensive expansion initiatives allowing franchises in different nations. The franchise units of the leading fast-food brands have been considerably focused on identifying the tastes and preferences of the local consumers executing effective strategies of delivering products to the customer as per their expectations (Lichtenberg, 2012). On the contrary, brands which are observed to be struggling in the global fast-food chain tend to focus extensively on the authentic culinary culture of the local community. These growing brands are also observed to be significantly influenced by the local or regional as well as state-level laws along with the socio-cultural... This essay approves that according to the present day context, the leading fast-food organisations tend to follow the emerging trend of global fast-food markets through executing various complex marketing strategies. The rapid expansion of the business units into different business locations is also a widely used marketing strategy for the global fast-food marketers. With this concern, the globally reputed fast-food chains have been focusing on increasing their business units through franchisees, in particular into different markets which has certainly enabled these brands to achieve larger market share as well as gain competitive advantages in the growing fast-food industry This report makes a conclusion that the demand for fast-food companies has substantially increased in the market segments worldwide where not only children but young people also are observed to decipher their incessantly increasing preferences for fast-food products. It is in this context that the increased demand for fast-food products has intensified the market competition among fast-food companies. In this perspective, fast-food companies are required to adopt enhanced marketing strategies with the objective of improving their performances substantially as well as to acquire a better competitive market position and thus obtain the benefits of sustainable growth. These marketing strategies shall also enable the struggling fast-food franchises in building better brand image within the targeted market segments and therefore obtain competitive benefits over its other existing rivals

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The influence of Globalization on Kazakh language in Kazakhstan Essay

The influence of Globalization on Kazakh language in Kazakhstan - Essay Example With Kazakhstan language being viewed as a link among the population in the entire state, it is evident that, in the process of nationalizing Kazakh language, some elements of other languages penetrate into Kazakh thus influencing it in some ways (Fierman 2006). Since the late 1920s, the soviet policy has affected Kazakh language in several ways. The soviet policy dictated that Kazakh language and other Turkic languages of the USSR should move away from Arabic script to Latin letters (Anheier and Yudhishthir 2007). This can be argued to be among the first, fundamental breaks that affected the Kazakh language. The other major change that happened is the shift to adjust versions of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. In this regard, it is true to argue that these changes fostered a commonality between Turkic speakers in the USSR and French, English, and German. Since the end of the nineteenth century, Kazakhstan has drastically changed especially due to migration effects of Russians to the Kazakh steppe (Fierman 2006). Another major issue of concern was collectivization of agriculture. In the period between 1929 and 1936, famine reduced Kazakhstan households almost by a half. As a result, quite a number of people migrated out of Kazakhstan to china. Additionally, many non Kazakh were brought into the republic, and this changed Kazakhs culture (Fierman 2006). Therefore, due to these changes and other global factors such as business across borders and mass media, it can be argued that globalization has played a major role in transforming cultures across the globe. In 1989, 97% in urban centers were Kazakhs speakers. However, about 40% of these people did not speak Kazakhs language fluently. According to Anheier and Yudhishthir 2007, this was as a result of Russian influence in the urban centers. During this period, many young generations of Kazakhs did not